Monday, August 11, 2008

Why a blog after years of railing against bloggers?! Boredom.

So, here I sit. I'm in Philadelphia. I know nothing about Philadelphia. I have no car, no money, and the only person I know here is gone. What is one to do, when all the beer has run out? Why, me thinks I'll start a blog! Its brilliant! Is that how you spell "brilliant"? Who cares! It's the internet, bitch! Eff grammar and spelling! WTF! LOL! Other clever internet speak!
What am I going to talk about in said blog? Fuck if I know! The olympics? ...probably not. Although I must say, I was sad to see the Polish women's volleyball team lost. I can't pronounce their names, but they got a shit ton of heart!
On a random aside (he says in a blog) has anyone seen the Jerry Springer show recently? It's always been out there, but holy fuck nuts! I had no idea the literal sideshow Jerry has stooped to! The human torso, balloon guy on stilts, a fucking PUNCH AND JUDY SHOW! I think it's a shame, because Jerry Springer is a really smart guy, and here he is, stuck pawning the lowest forms of human life as television. On second thought, I don't feel bad for him. He's making a fuck ton of money, and he can quit if he wants.
That's all for today, I have to go put this on facebook so everyone can read it and validate me! (just kidding, I'm really just this bored.) More insanity to come later, kids!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Actually, the fact that you now have a blog too might validate me.